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Galloway Wildlife Conservation Park

Galloway Wildlife Conservation Park
Galloway Wildlife Conservation Park 131

Address: Galloway Wildlife Conservation Park
Lochfergue Plantation
Dumfries and Galloway
Postcode: DG6 4XX
Telephone: 01557331645

Galloway Wildlife Conservation Park (formerly Wildlife Park Kirkcudbright), set in 27 acres of mixed woodland, is the wild animal conservation centre of southern Scotland.

The mission of Galloway Wildlife Conservation Park is: 'To establish a conservation breeding centre for small animals, to conserve wildlife, wildlife habitats and sites of geological importance, to provide opportunities for the public to enjoy and learn about the area they live in.'

A varied collection of nearly 150 animals from all over the world can be seen within the peaceful and natural settings where the woodland has been tailored to provide large and imaginative enclosures.

There is a constant programme of construction and improvement to facilities for the animal, birds and visitors. Click here to see what facilities the park has to offer.

An essential role of the park is the conservation of threatened species. Through it's captive breeding programmmes, it plays an important part in the international effort to conserve rare and endangered species. By buying a ticket to visit us we can do so much more so......